Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Licensing Committee, Monday 21st May 2018 10.00 am (Item 2.)

For Members to consider the attached report.


Contact Officer: Lindsey Vallis and Simon Gallacher: 01296 585152 / 585083



At the last Committee meeting in January 2018, it had been agreed that Members would consider objections that were raised on changes to Fees and Charges during the consultation period. If no objections were received then the proposed date for implementation was 1 April 2018 whilst if objections were received and not withdrawn then any changes would come into effect from 1 June 2018.


The Committee received a report which included the objections that had been made. Included in the report was AVDC’s response to the objectors but these had not led to the withdrawal of the objections. The Committee were asked to consider the objections submitted during the consultation period, as well as AVDC’s responses, and whether to implement the proposed fees and charges or make changes to the proposal.


Members discussed the merit of promoting air quality in the taxi service through promoting of hybrid vehicles by reducing the annual charge for a hybrid’s annual license. Air Quality Management fell within the remit of AVDC’s authority and such a scheme had been investigated nearly a year ago by officers. However, advice had suggested that such an incentive would not be legally sound due to the service having to charge for the cost of administrating the service. It was possible for other positive environmental schemes to be investigated such as no idling campaigns in taxi ranks and public areas. In this case, signage would be deployed and the trade would need to be made aware of the benefits of not idling, such as reduced vehicle running costs. If it could be successfully implemented then the trade would be setting a positive example for other road users. This may have a positive environmental impact in areas with issues of idling outside schools.


A taxi working group had been set-up with officers and taxi trade representatives to improve communication. Meeting quarterly, the group were open and honest in their discussions of the trade and the trade’s insight had proven valuable in the recent implementation of a quicker license renewal collection service which saved officer resource and satisfied drivers. Officers acknowledged that the proposals in the report could be more accessible in making ‘Current vs. Proposed’ fees and charges clearer side-by-side, and would take this suggestion forward in future work.


Members considered the impact of the back office computer system that had been introduced to the service. Officers advised that although the online application process made it easier for applicants, administration was still time consuming pending further implementation. Once this system was fully implemented and working effectively, AVDC would review the fees again to consider changes and consult with the trade. Accordingly, the Committee were satisfied with the proposed fees and charges and deemed it unnecessary to change the proposals in the officer report.




1.    That the Committee approve the proposed fees and charges without modification.

2.    That the Committee recommend that the Cabinet Member approve changes to fees and charges in relation to vehicle and operator fees as per the report.

3.    That the Group Manager for Regulatory Services be authorised to implement the introduction of the proposed taxi and private hire licensing fees from 1 June 2018.

Supporting documents: